UDAAN Course Structure

It is our faith that if the student follows below mentioned process they will achieve guaranteed Success


We focus on conceptual clarity, doubt clearance, development of the analytical, critical point of views, reading and learning skills of students are sharpened. The understanding of graduation subjects such as History, Geography, Economy, Polity etc. will simplify their awareness level is enhanced through project assignment, newspaper and magazine reading. At this level, they will become confident to pass the civil services exam successfully.

After successful completion of foundation course, focus is on project assignment and study of important topics of General Studies. They become competent in CAT and their analytical power along with multi-dimensional approach is also developed. At this level, they can easily compete in CDS/PCS/ Assistant Commandant Exam. They will feel high level of maturity and seriousness in their personality.

A final exam and interview is conducted after two years. The students who score the required minimum marks for selection enter in our final step That is focused for the IAS level. General Studies and optional subject preparation will be focused on at this stage. After counselling with teachers, the optional subject will be chosen. Students are mentally prepared to write the ideal answer and face the Interview board easily. At the end of this level, they will be on the verge of getting selected in civil services exam.